Oops Nevermind: Keystone XL Doesn't Have To Buy American

So much for that "buy American, hire American" promise from...three days ago?

Oh my god Trump lied again. How many is it this time?


The Keystone XL Pipeline will not be subject to President Donald Trump's executive order requiring infrastructure projects to be built with American steel, a White House spokeswoman said today.

Trump signed the order calling for the Commerce Department to develop a plan for U.S. steel to be used in “all new pipelines, as well as retrofitted, repaired or expanded pipelines” inside the U.S. projects “to the maximum extent possible.”

By the White House’s judgment, that description would not include Keystone XL, which developer TransCanada first proposed in 2008.

You know who could have predicted this would happen? Everybody.

But especially Senate Democrats, who attempted to put a "buy American steel" component in the Transamerica Contract in JANUARY OF 2015, when it was rejected by Mitch McConnell and the Republicans. Dave Johnson noted then:

[From January 2015] In the last few days Senate Republicans have voted against everything they have promised in public to sell the Keystone pipeline.

They said the pipeline is about U.S. jobs, yet they voted against U.S. steel and supplier jobs in the pipeline supply chain. They said the oil is for use inside the U.S., yet they voted against using the oil inside the U.S..

Significantly, they also voted against disclosing any money they are getting from oil and other companies involved in the Keystone project.

And you might (not) have noticed that most of the U.S. corporate media are largely ignoring these votes. So the Republicans can keep telling the public they are for U.S. jobs and for U.S. energy independence. The public will be none the wiser.

Go ahead, MAGA, keep believing this lying sack of oil interests that he wants to hire American. He wants money and power, and you gave it to him. And the media is letting Republicans get away with hypocrisy for money. The whole of Rome is corrupt.

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