Oops! Trump's Numbers On Ryan Bill Are Even Worse Than CBO

Just when you thought the White House was gonna dis the CBO report, their own numbers on how many will get kicked off insurance are WORSE.

First up, the background:

But then it turns out that Trump's Office of Management and Budget was actually "using their time" in exactly the same way -- scoring Paul Ryan's tax cut for billionaires health care bill so they could counter what was sure to be a really bad score.

Once the CBO report came out they could then rush the microphone and say "neener neener your numbers are bad but FAKE NEWS we came up with much better numbers."

And then they hit the equal sign on THEIR calculators and....uh oh. Politico:

A White House analysis of the GOP plan to repeal and replace Obamacare shows even steeper coverage losses than the projections by the Congressional Budget Office, according to a document viewed by POLITICO on Monday.

The preliminary analysis from the Office of Management and Budget forecast that 26 million people would lose coverage over the next decade, versus the 24 million CBO estimates. The White House has made efforts to discredit the forecasts from the nonpartisan CBO.


White House officials late Monday night disputed that the document is an analysis of the bill’s coverage effects. Instead, they say it was an attempt by the OMB to predict what CBO’s scorekeepers would conclude about the GOP repeal plan.

Wait, what? Far be it from me to argue directly with the Trump White House (snark) but I gotta ask:

So it wasn't an attempt to score the bill, just an attempt to score the bill just like the CBO would do, to predict the numbers that they would get, and your numbers came out WORSE than theirs?

And now their numbers, which are truly awful, are the ROSY outlook? That you have to say are "needlessly pessimistic?"


PS. Hey Republicans, you can spare us the good news about what the Ryan bill does to the deficit, as if you give a rat's butt. We all know you plan more defense spending and a yuuge tax cut for corporations because your Dear Leader told us so. Deficit much? And this bill is nothing but a tax cut for billionaires combined with Paul Ryan's Ayn Rand anti-government splooge rag, dead on arrival we can only hope, the end.

And don't get me started about all the times Republicans screamed about Obamacare based on CBO reports, including your own so-called president. You LOSE.

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