Rep. Adam Schiff On Trump 'Wrecking Ball': 'This Is Just How The President Does Business'

Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee was asked about tomorrow's hearings with FBI Director Comey, and Trump's completely irresponsible lie that President Obama supposedly wiretapped him at Trump Tower.

Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee was asked about tomorrow's hearings with FBI Director Comey, and Trump's completely irresponsible lie that President Obama supposedly wiretapped him at Trump Tower.

Schiff slammed Trump and told Meet the Press host Chuck Todd that hopefully we can "put an end to this wild goose chase" and the "wrecking ball it created" that has "banged into our British allies and our German allies."

CHUCK TODD: Let me ask you about - you received information on Friday from the Department of Justice about President Trump's claims on wiretapping. What can you tell us? Were you satisfied with the information they provided?

REP. ADAM SCHIFF: Well, I got a classified briefing on their response. They delivered it after most of us had left town. But once again no evidence to support the President's claim that he was wiretapped by his predecessor. And you know, I have a lot of respect for Susan Collins, but I have to differ with her on this, she said we need to get to the bottom of this. We are at the bottom of this.

CHUCK TODD: Is there any bottom? We are at the bottom?

REP. ADAM SCHIFF: There is nothing at the bottom.

CHUCK TODD: Will Director Comey say that definitively tomorrow, do you expect?

REP. ADAM SCHIFF: I expect that he will. And I hope that we can put an end to this wild goose chase because what the president said was just patently false. And the wrecking ball it created now has banged into our British allies and our German allies, it's continuing to grow in terms of damage, and he needs to put an end to this.

I suspect what's really at root here, Chuck, is this is just how the president does business. Now maybe this is the way he conducted his real estate business with half-truths and sometimes no-truths, and a lot of bluster. That, in my opinion, is no way to run a business. But it's an even worse way to run a country.

It's dangerous to us, it's already alienating allies, and as George Will so correctly pointed out, when there is a crisis over North Korea or Iran or whatnot, and every president has one in their term, we need to be able to believe our president and he's making it very, very difficult.

Unfortunately for all of us, there's no hope that this nightmare is going to end any time soon. It doesn't matter what Comey says during these hearings. We've got a president that is completely incapable of ever admitting he's made a mistake or lied about anything, while lying almost every time his lips are moving, who gets all of his "news" from Fox and right wing blogs and hate talk.

This is never going to stop as long as he's in office, and Republicans could care less what he does as long as they get their tax cuts, their regulations slashed and their Supreme Court justices installed.

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