Representative Nunes Has Got Some Splaining To Do!

Why was Devin Nunes at a meeting with Flynn and Turkish officials this past January?

Representative Nunes Has Got Some Splaining To Do!

The Daily Sabah, a Turkish daily newspaper, is reporting that disgraced former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn met with the Turkish foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu on January 18th of this year. The breakfast meeting was held at Trump's new Washington D.C. hotel. Cavusoglu even attended the inauguration just a few days later.

That's all very interesting but, the real news is that the Daily Sabah is also reporting that a certain someone who is currently leading a congressional investigation into to the Trump administration was present as well - Representative Devin Nunes! The article gives no further information on why Nunes was there or what he may have said or done.

As yet we don't know if this has anything to do with Nunes' escapades this past week, but it's raising some eyebrows for sure. As a member of the Trump transition team, it's conceivable that he may have information on the campaign's contacts with Russian agents or government officials. It's even plausible that he may be one of the Trump advisers that was caught by the FBI in their surveillance of foreign officials.

Flynn wasn't always so enamored with the Turkish dictator

As late as July of 2016, he could be heard criticizing Turkey's president, Recep Erdogan, for turning our long time ally from a secular nation to a more Islamic one. Proof of this, according to the conspiracy loving Flynn, was that Erdogan had become "very close to Obama."

Not that Flynn cared , but this was not true. Especially when it was Obama who cut off Erdogan's cash cow, Iran. In 2013, the U.S. closed a loophole in the sanctions against Iran. This loophole had allowed Erdogan to trade gold for oil and gas with Iran. Contrary to Flynn's propaganda, Obama was not considered a friend

Additionally, the Turkish president, his sons and his political allies were accused of profiting illegally from these trades. Erdogan responded by purging the police and judicial system. He fired thousands of police officers and reassigned judges and prosecutors who were involved in the investigations into his corruption. His main accuser was Muhammed Fethuallah Gulen, a well known Turkish iman and writer. Erdogan labeled Gulen a terrorist and demanded his arrest, forcing him to then flee to the U.S. Erdogan repeatedly requested the Obama administration return Gulen to Turkey, but Obama refused stating that it was a decision left up to the courts.

Flynn praises Erdogan

Flynn quickly changed his tune on president Erdogan in August 2016. Documents filed with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) show that Flynn was hired and paid $530,000 to obtain intelligence on Erdogan's mortal enemy, Gulen. The contract extended from August 15, 2016 to November 16, 2016. Technically, as reported by the Daily Caller, he was not hired by the Turkish government. Instead Flynn was hired by the Inovo BV company which is owned by Ekim Alptekin, the chairman of the Turkish-American Business Council.

The fact that Flynn had an inside track to government officials and agencies was paramount to his hiring as can be seen in the FARA documents that stated the Flynn Intel Group was chosen because it was "...led by senior defense, diplomacy, development and intelligence professionals."

FARA documents further indicated that:

"In early September 2016, Flynn Intel Group was invited by Mr. Alptekin to meet with a group of government officials from Turkey for the purpose of understanding better the political climate in Turkey at the time, as background for the project. Officials of Turkey attending the meeting on September 19, 2016 in New York were the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Mevlut Covusoglu - the same who attended the meeting in D.C.) and the Minister of Energy (Berat Albayrak - Erdogan's son-in-law)."

We now know this meeting was also attended by former Director of the CIA, Woolsey who was acting as an advisor for the Flynn Intel Group. According to the Wall Street Journal this last week, Woolsey stated that the topic of conversation was how to get around the U.S. extradition laws and return Gulen to Turkey. It is not known what exactly they were planning, but "getting around extradition laws" makes one think they were investigating how they might kidnap Gulen.

Flynn planted propaganda in op-ed article

On Election Day, November 8, 2016, Flynn wrote an op-ed on the subject for The Hill. It is important to recall that at this time, no one knew he was under contract with Inovo BV. In this article, he argued for the U.S. to have better relations with Turkey and claimed that they were our "strongest ally against ISIS." Whereas just four months prior he'd been claiming Erdogan and Obama were buddies, now he claimed Obama was being disrespectful to him by keeping Turkey at "arms length."

Flynn's op-ed continued into a nonsensical rant on how Gulen was a terrorist akin to the Muslim Brotherhood. He offered no evidence of his claims and referred to him as a "shady character." He even went to far as to compare Gulen to Osama bin Laden stating, "From Turkey's point of view, Washington is harboring Turkey's Osama bin Laden."

The Hill has since added an editor's note to the article stating that Inovo BV reviewed the article before it was submitted to them. They further stated that Flynn never revealed he was under contract with Inovo BV.

It is absurd that Nunes is allowed to be on the investigative committee that is looking into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia when he was a member of the Trump transition team. We know what Flynn was doing at these meetings.

The question that remains: What was Devin Nunes doing there?

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