The Republican Civil War Is ON

Grab the popcorn!

The Republican Civil War Is ON

Do you hate it when GOP daddy and GOP daddy fight?

(Yes the GOP has two daddies. Or more. Don't forget President Bannon.)

Here's what some anonymous C&L staffers have been saying behind the scenes:

First thing that comes to mind is when they unveiled this, Trump sold it as a "great plan" and how it was orchestrated by his "great HHS secretary". Umm, what happened there?

Second. If I was Ryan I would announce tomorrow that they are pulling the bill and working on their own. If they pass it then Trump can either sign it or not. Put the ball back in his court.

Third. Trump is playing with fire because his only protection right now is Republicans wanting to pass their agenda, but if he starts throwing them under the bus, suddenly things like support for a select committee on Russia could become a bigger possibility.

This is going to be FUNNNN!

Here's the thing. Trump wanted that vote TODAY because he wanted to sh*t on Obama's accomplishment. The symbolism was everything. He may not have hired hookers to piss on a bed Obama slept in, but that's exactly what he wanted here. Now that he can't have it, he doesn't really care if he gets anything.

I think that's the bigger thing. I get the symbolism of doing it on the ACA anniversary, but more than that, I can see Trump being pissed to high heaven feeling that he has been rebutted. He'll view it as a slam to his personal character, even though he will never publicly admit it. Instead he'll deflect, trying to blame everyone else over it.

My own comment:

I've been saying all day that the nanosecond his tax returns get subpoenaed, he'll resign.

And yeah it was about sh*tting on the Obama legacy. Nothing else. What does he care what's in the bill, he's never cared what was in anything else he signed.

And of course, President Breitbart is against Ryan. And the Democratic National Committee passes the popcorn!

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