Tom Price Dodges Obamacare Question Everyone Is Asking

Will you guarantee I won't lose my health insurance, or not? Tom Price does not answer the question.

You gotta hand it to Tom "Smooth Operator" Price. He handles press conferences like a seasoned pro. Take two questions per reporter and then pick which one you want to talk about.

So when this reporter asks whether the GOP replacement plan will add to the deficit and also kick millions off of health insurance, Price just says that Congress doesn't want the cost to the federal government to increase and moves on to the next question.

So if you're a Trump voter who believed your president when he promised a better plan at a fraction of the cost,

...Trump's Secretary of Health and Human Services didn't answer the question when asked point blank, will you guarantee that people can keep their health insurance?

And as if any Republican gives a rat's butt about deficits. For godssake, Tom, Speaker Ryan is hiding the CBO scoring of their bill in part because (as Dick Cheney famously said), "Reagan taught us deficits don't matter."

For the neocon whackjobs and Rand Paul outliers who at least pretend to care about the cost, keeping CBO out of it helps with them, too.

Paul Ryan is having problems with Freedom caucus types in his own party because the GOP healthcare plan still imagines that the government should be involved at all in health insurance. Medicare recipients, are you listening to the Republican Party?

I know this sounds weird, but don't blame this on Trump. This is the Republican plan on healthcare. Tom Price would have been HHS secretary in a Jeb Bush administration too.

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