Trump's Job Approval Hits Historic Lows

Or as Gallup put it, "unusually low, unusually early". Now at only 35% approval.

We've never seen a new president's approval dip this low, this early in all the years Gallup has been doing their surveys. They started doing them when Harry Truman was president.

Source: Gallup

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As the first president in Gallup's polling history to start his term with a job approval rating below the majority level, Donald Trump has already received the all-time lowest approval ratings of any president in his first year. Trump's recent 36% approval rating, recorded after Republicans in Congress failed to repeal and replace Obamacare, fell just below Bill Clinton's all-time low of 37% in June 1993. In interviewing conducted Sunday through Tuesday, Trump has dipped further to 35%.

Nate Cohn at the Ny Times put up this helpful chart. Nobody really liked Trump all that much before the election (his favorability). Now nobody except his core supporters thinks he's doing a good job either (his job approval).

Political Capital gives some historical context.

While Harry Enten at 538.com ponders Trump's garbage approvals.

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