Gergen: Trump's Reaction To AHCA Failure Is 'Delusional'

Why mince words when it's so obvious the so-called president is nuts?

Hashtag "Trump is crazy?"

David Gergen didn't mince words in responding to Donald Trump's "it's the Democrat's fault" excuses for the failure of the AHCA this afternoon.

JAKE TAPPER: What did you make of President Trump's response?

DAVID GERGEN: It was delusional in some ways, and I thought, Paul Ryan manned up, you know, took took responsibility. This is a man who just shoves it off on other people and described things in ways that are just misleading. You know, I'm sure he'll get better at this. And I think it's also fair to say that there are a lot of presidents that stumble. A lot of presidents had trouble in their first hundred days.

TAPPER: BIll Clinton had trouble in his first hundred days.

GERGEN: Bill Clinton had trouble. Jack Kennedy had Bay of Pigs in the first hundred days. But I think when you add up the totality of it, you said this is the worst week of his presidency. I think this may be the worst hundred days we've ever seen in a president. Maybe it will get better, but earlier this week his credibility took a direct hit over the wiretapping, and now his capacity is taking a direct hit. He came to us as the deal maker. His ultimate promise was that he was the deal maker, and he could make the system work, and that so clearly has failed.

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