Wall Street Journal Rips Into Trump - Is The Honeymoon Over?

With the Dow down 250 yesterday, it may be over for the Tax Cut addicts on Wall Street, and Donald Trump.

Is the Trump / Wall Street / Billionaires tolerance wearing thin?

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Katty Kay, I think one of the things that surprised me in the last week, and what surprised me before, when I spoke to business people they discounted almost everything Trump had done in the last couple of months, and that bubble seemed to burst yesterday. The stock market went down and this morning "The Wall Street Journal" attacked Donald Trump, and finally, for telling one lie after another, and digging in deeper and even saying "The president clings to his assertion about Obama like a drunk to an empty gin bottle." And it's like even his staunchest allies said "enough, no more."

KATTY KAY: It's going to be interesting to watch the markets over the next couple of days. Have they concluded that promise of deregulation and tax cuts they will have to wait for, and the chaos and confusion in the administration is going to make all of that more risky.

It's all about the tax cuts and deregulation. That's always what it's about with Republican Presidents. But this one's crazy is finally over the top now that the FBI admits he's a liar before a Congressional committee. Even the most tax-cut hungry billionaire can't ignore that.

And maybe someday we'll take our country back from Wall Street. I hope so.

In the meantime, here's more schadenfreude from the Wall Street Journal oped. (Paywall because "money please!"):

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