What The Hell, Rick Perry?

Our Secretary of Energy is very upset about a student body election?

So, I woke up yesterday morning thinking about the terrorist attacks in London, Republicans wanting to take health insurance away from 24 million Americans, a hearing for a Supreme Court Justice while the actual Supreme Court overruled him 8-0, investigations into the president’s participation in collusion with the Russians to steal our president election, Rex Tillerson not wanting to be Secretary of State so there, and the head of the House Select Committee on Intelligence scampering around like a squirrel to report to Donald Trump.

And this image (above) on the front page of my local newspaper. And it made the New York Times.

Yeah, Rick Perry took time out of his overloaded loafing schedule to pitch a walleyed snot nosed hissy fit that his alma mater, Texas A&M University, elected the first openly gay guy to be student body president. And that’s REAL. IMPORTANT to Rick.

Perry, oddly, claimed that the election was stolen and here’s the reason why I say it is odd: because the gay guy’s opponent was disqualified because he violated the rules of the election and Perry thinks that’s unfair.

Holy. Damn. Crap.

So Rick Perry thinks elections are knife fights and have no rules?

Seriously, Perry wrote letters to the editor, called every newspaper in Texas and considering his reputation, probably tried to go get laid, because a gay guy got elected student body president.

Hey Rick, a goofy guy got elected president because he colluded with communists but do I see you whining about that?

But here’s the money quote. Rick said that the “outcome that would never have been allowed were he not a straight, white male.”

Yes, straight white males are sooooo discriminated against —

And there’s this:

“He’s always been a great proponent for Texas A&M. I’m surprised that he’s weighing in. I’m surprised he would have the time to do that,” the spokeswoman, Amy B. Smith, told the newspaper. “There’s rules here. Somebody lost and somebody won, and that’s always tough, but it was just a surprise to see this.”

Yeah, Ms. Smith, it’s a tough job but somebody has to keep the presidency of anything in the hands of straight white males no matter the rules and apparently that somebody is Rick Perry. Do you think for even a minute that if this contested race was between two straight white males that Rick Perry would have weighed in?

UPDATED: The Dallas Morning News found a possible motivation for Perry’s outburst. The straight white male who was disqualified is named McIntosh —

McIntosh, a senior, is the son of Dallas-based Republican fundraiser Alison McIntosh, who worked on Jeb Bush’s 2016 campaign and Mitt Romney’s 2012 run for president. Perry, twice a presidential hopeful himself, is featured in photographs with McIntosh’s other children on Facebook.

Perry is a money slut.

Originally published at JuanitaJean.com

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