Whoops! Devin Nunes Realizes His Trip To Trump Backfired

A day late. Lawrence O'Donnell is right this guy is over his head.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman and today's hashtag "fail" Devin Nunes went behind closed doors with his committee this morning and issued an apology for running off to Donald Trump with information he had not even shared with the committee.

The guy is so far out of his depth it's almost sad. But he's the person Paul Ryan chose to be Committee Chairman on what is supposed to be an "above partisanship" investigatory body.

The Intelligence Committees in the House and Senate see information from the CIA, FBI, etc. And when Nunes ran over to the White House with information about an investigation of them, and then held a press conference outside the White House about it, his actions raised many questions about just how stupid a Congressman can be.

The exploration of that issue on last night's Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell is worth watching:

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL: Nunes is a 43-year old man who grew up on a big family farm that's been in his family for generations, went to then got a bachelor's degree in agriculture from California Polytech, a state university. Worked his way into the good graces of the very powerful congressman from his district, who was the Republican Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. His retirement allowed Nunes to get elected to the House of Representatives, where he has stayed faithfully close to the leadership of John Boehner and Paul Ryan, who made him head of the Intelligence Committee because the supply of intelligence in the Republican House of Representatives is so low, that they do not have enough capable chairman to go around, and so...Devin Nunes, with no experience working in the intelligence community, ...is in way, way, over his head.

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