Chuck Todd: It's Becoming Hard To Ignore Trump's Conflict Of Interests Anymore
Trump continues to flat out ignore any calls for divestment and separation of his business entanglements from the presidency.
On MTP Daily this week, Chuck Todd offered a scathing take down of Trump's continued conflicts of interest in this amazing clip...using Trump's own words against him.
Remember when Trump on the campaign trail accused Hillary Clinton of "pay for play"? Allowing access to her family because they gave her family foundation tons of money?
Well well well...Trump's working* (aka golfing and eating) at his Mar-A-Lago resort two or three days per week means that the public-- or at least those who can afford $200K registration fee--can have unlimited access to The Donald and the myriad of businesses of his family. They can take photos of him having national security meetings with world leaders, golf with him and even snap photos of him sunning at the pool (just kidding on the last one - we all know he gets his tan out of a vintage 1980's style orange self tanner spray can).
Chuck covers a lot of Trump's particular brand pay-for-play issues, from Ivanka's Chinese made,flammable products to him paying money from his campaign back to his own businesses to the secret meeting Trump had with two former Colombian leaders at Mar-A-Lago.
The question is, at what point will the GOP do anything about it before he destroys the party's chances for re-election? We all know Trump is a lying, grifting, corrupt conman who is literally selling the White House for parts. He does not care one iota about the American people and the GOP majority has appeared to be comfortable enabling it as long as they get their legislation passed. But Jon Ossoff's showing in GA-6 should be a warning shot that the American people may not be happy with this grift.