Fox Friends Shocked Ivy League Students Fear Trump More Than ISIS
Those damned intellectuals at Ivy League schools prefer facts and reason! What did they expect at Harvard?
Are the Fox Friends really surprised that those 'elite' liberal college students have opinions contrary to the fake Fox 'News' agenda? They certainly feigned outrage.
Thanks to our Koch friends, there's a well-orchestrated movement to demonize intelligent thought at our universities., a subsidiary of Gorsuch-backer, Morton Blackwell's Leadership Institute is pure right-wing funded crapola. It is extremely well-organized and well-funded. Founded in 2009, their stated purpose is to 'smash left wing scum on campuses.' Morton Blackwell phrased it in a more politically correct fashion:
“I have had a long-term awareness of how the campuses have become left-wing indoctrination centers, and many, many students can go their entire college educations and never see any representations of conservative principles on their campuses..."
Perhaps, as Blackwell knows, these mythological conservative principles, (mirroring the astroturf Tea Party's ideals, not coincidentally also founded in 2009) are manufactured to serve their wealthy benefactors. He knows it's BS because he helped craft it.
The Crotch Couch inhabitants are shocked, shocked I tell you! It galls them that students at Harvard see the destructive rhetoric of Trump and his government-hating cabinet, hell bent on destroying the environment, education, public welfare, infrastructure and more, as very dangerous. The threat of ISIS directly affecting the lives of these students is far, far less likely than the problems that Tom Price could bring to their health insurance, or that a fracking-enthusiast like EPA destroyer-in-chief, Scott Pruitt could cause to their air and water supplies. Statistically, they are spot on.
The CampusReform representative interviewed several students and they did manage to find one 'conservative' who may or may not have been an actual Republican, but there's always the magic of editing.
"It's very hard on campus for conservatives to speak out because there's so much tension right now in our country," one woman said.
In the alternate universe on Fox and Friends, the guest/student-interviewer, Cabot Phillips, depicted this logical outpouring, from the well-educated, much differently:
(PHILLIPS): Who scares you more: President Donald Trump or the Islamic State? For some (most) Harvard University students, the U.S. president is the bigger threat. conducted the survey among the Ivy League students this week to see if Trump was viewed as more of a danger to Americans than the terror organization.
"We always see students that are saying everything threatens them in the world and they are always being taught by the media the sensationalist idea that everything Donald Trump does must be the end of the world," Cabot Phillips, a contributor at, said Thursday on "Fox & Friends."
Phillips added that students don't believe they are invincible.
The part that caused them all to clutch their pearls was this awesome soundbite from a male student:
"I think he's an asshole in chief. I don't think he really cares that much about the American people."
Cabot thinks these misguided students simply don't know who to really fear: anything that involves Radical Islamic Terrorism, as they so love to phrase it.
CABOT: "It's not that they fear nothing, is that they fear the wrong things."
Hey Mr. Phillips, do they fear their healthcare will be revoked? Do they fear the droughts, floods and other natural disasters already apparent in their world? Perhaps they fear a crazy person in charge of all our nukes? Or worst of all, maybe they fear a world controlled by journalist murderer Vladimir Putin?
Or do they fear largely peaceful Muslims sneaking in from Mexico to enact mass Sharia law in the U.S.?
Duh, it's pretty obvious why they accept real threats and reject your fake fearmongering. Doocy in the Box isn't doing his job!