Fox Host Asks If Syrian Bombings 'Blow Out Of The Water' Notion Trump Was In Cahoots With Russians

They're desperate to make Trump's Russiagate problem disappear over on the Republican propaganda network.

They're desperate to make Trump's Russiagate problem disappear over on the Republican propaganda network. Here's the latest talking point to come from the crew on the "Crotch Couch." In between segments with one right wing talking head after another decrying the Trump campaign's apparent collusion with the Russians during the presidential campaign as just playing politics by the Democrats, Fox & Friends co-host Abby Huntsman lobbed this stink bomb out there for their audience's consumption.

Never mind the mind-numbing number of recent revelations that tie the Trump campaign to the Russians, now that Trump has launched this completely ineffective bombing raid in Syria, let's just cast all of that aside.

It started out as a surprisingly candid conversation (for Fox anyway) about Trump flip-flopping his stance on Syria, and whether or not they may have actually emboldened Assad to use chemical weapons after remarks from the Trump administration that we'd have to all live with him staying in power.

MORRIS: And of course Chris, and you know that the president on the campaign trail even before he was a candidate was really against any sort of nation building, America first, getting involved in Syria would be a huge mistake. So this came as I think a surprise to a lot of people in Washington, that sort of reversal within 48 hours. What do you make of that?

WALLACE: Well, it was a dramatic reversal and some people would say that the Trump administration played a role, because in the days just before the chemical attack, you had Nikki Haley at the U.N., you had Tillerson at the State Department, and Spicer at the White House, Sean Spicer all saying that we in effect had to accept that Assad was in charge in Syria, and we were going to have to live with that.

And some people think that may have emboldened Assad, not to say there's any excuse but it may emboldened Assad that he could get away with a chemical attack. Now, as we say, obviously, the president decided he couldn't and he launched that strike, 59 missiles on the Syrian air base. But the question that comes, now that they're using different, conventional weapons, but still killing those babies, are we just going to stand by?

But not for long. Here's Huntsman's follow up.

HUNTSMAN: Chris, big picture here. Doesn't this kind of blow out of the water this notion, the criticism that liberals and conservatives, many people have had about President Trump being in cahoots with the Russians?

WALLACE: Well, look, we don't know what happened during the campaign. That's an investigation and whatever the facts are there are the facts and this doesn't change that. I think it's fair to say that there's been a lesson here not only for some of those critics but maybe for the President as well, who even after he was elected kept talking about trying to establish some kind of alliance with Putin and there are a number of things that have happened, the fact that they've apparently broken one of our arms controlled treaties by deploying an intermediate nuclear missile and, again, what's going on in Syria, the fact that they had promised that we gotten rid of all of the chemical weapons and obviously we didn't. So, you know, you can have all kinds of opinions on the campaign trail. But when you get in the real world, and you say how these people act, sometimes reality --

HUNTSMAN: Reality sets in.

Look for this to be repeated ad nauseam by every right wing talking head out there, along with the push to start a war with Iran. Got to keep those Trump poll numbers up, along with feeding the military industrial complex. A two-fer.

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