Fox's Hannity Carps That The Media Is Out To Destroy The Trump Presidency
He's "never seen anything like it." Apparently Hannity never watched his own show while Barack Obama was president.
The same guy from Fox "News" who spent the last eight years bashing President Obama at every turn and pushing every fake, drummed-up nothingburger scandal from Fast and Furious, to the IRS "scandal," to Benghazi, to birtherism, to Rev. Wright, to you name it, is now upset that the media is covering the actual, legitimate investigation into whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with a foreign government during the presidential election.
Here's Hannity on his fellow Fox host Howard Kurtz' show, Media Buzz, carping about how mean the press has been to his BFF Trump, and lying about whether he starts fights with the guests on his shows. Anyone who actually watches that garbage show of his knows that is pretty much a nightly event for him. Kurtz asked him about his dust up with Ted Koppel the week before. Koppel rightly pointed out how badly Hannity is hurting America with his constant lying on the air, and Hannity is obviously still smarting from it.
KURTZ: You've said this before. “The press in this country is out to destroy this president.” Every member of the press? Bit of an overstatement there?
HANNITY: No. I don't think so. I've never seen anything like it. Alright, you follow the press and have for many, many years. Can you give me one shred of evidence, we've seen for long months, Russia conspiracy, do you see any evidence at all that Donald Trump and his campaign, in any way, colluded with Russia, in terms of impacting this election? Is there any evidence of that Howie that you know of?
KURTZ: As of now, there is not evidence...
KURTZ: … but this is a story that needs to be covered.
HANNITY: Zero! Zip!
KURTZ: You say out to destroy?
HANNITY: That's right. So every time you watch a story or read a story that Donald Trump was involved in this collusion, it's a false narrative. It's a lie, without any evidence to corroborate it.
KURTZ: Good questions. Bottom line on the Koppel thing. You love these fights. They put you in the spotlight, right?
HANNITY: Listen, if you... I never back down from a fight. Let's put it that way. But if you look at all the people that I've ever fought with on Twitter, or the people I fight with on my shows, and I try not to devote too much time to fighting, because I've got more information that I think is more pertinent and valuable to my audience, and I serve my audience here. That's my job.
They start the fights with me. I just don't back down and if they want to start a fight, I'm game. I jump in the arena.