Grover Norquist: 'Democrats And Grasshoppers Don't Get To Vote On Tax Reform'
Your liberal tee-vee gives Grover Norquist air time.
The one thing holding Donald Trump in office is his promise to rich cable news on-air talent and executives that they are going to get a honking big tax cut before the year is out.
So of course, MSNBC's chairman Phil Griffin makes a place at the table for intellectual bed wetter Grover Norquist to pound his fists on the high chair and whine about Democrats.
Host Ali Velshi reviews the Trump plan for tax cuts for billionaires.
VELSHI: ...eliminate the alternative minimum tax and the estate tax. While there may be consensus on this, there isn't with Democrats. When you're talking about comprehensive tax reform, does that matter?
NORQUIST: No. Democrats and grasshoppers don't get to vote on the tax plan. Neither do squirrels. It's interesting, they're taking themselves out: "We're not voting for anything unless we get this." They're not voting anyway. They're opposed to any reform on Obamacare. Nevermind repeal. No reform. They fought us all the way since they put it in. So they're not part of that discussion. So that means you need 95% of Republicans to get anything done, but there are no Democrat votes for either health care or tax reform.
Dehumanizing Democrats, making them into insects and rodents, is typical Rush Limbaugh lingo since 1994. But hey, let's make sure we take time "understanding working class Trump voters and their economic insecurities."
And about Obamacare, great revisionist history you got there, Grover. Shame if anything (like the 2018 mid-term elections) happens to it.
In the meantime, I plan to name all the grasshoppers in my yard "Grover Norquist" before I start up my lawn mower.