It's Getting A Lot Worse For Michael Flynn

General Flynn is in some serious hot water over payments from hostile foreign governents.

Generalisimo Michael Flynn can feel the walls closing in on him. Not only is he being investigated by the FBI and BOTH Houses of Congress, but the Pentagon has launched their own investigation, thanks to the plentiful and irrefutable evidence of criminal conduct by the former Trump NSA Adviser.

Documents released Thursday reveal former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was specifically warned in 2014 not to take money from foreign governments without advance permission and is now under investigation by the Pentagon for possibly violating the law, lawmakers said.

Rep. Elijah Cummings, the highest ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, released a Defense Intelligence Agency letter sent to the former Army lieutenant general as he entered retirement which specifically says Flynn cannot accept fees and gifts from foreign governments "unless congressional consent is first obtained."

Flynn, who resigned in February after misleading Trump administration officials about his conversations with Russian officials, is under fire for receiving nearly $34,000 in December 2015 for speaking at a gala celebrating Russian TV, and more than $500,000 for lobbying work on behalf of the Turkish government.

Steadfast warrior, Rep. Elijah Cummings is most appalled by the White House's refusal to provide the paper trail to properly investigate this obvious criminal conduct.

Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal spells it out here pretty bluntly.

It would be hard to imagine Flynn walking away from all this unscathed. And not surprising he sought immunity early. Too late now!

I expect he is the first of many among the grifters of the Trump White House who will face justice. That line from the good book, "nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed" should scare the pants off of the whole lot of them.

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