Rob Reiner Sums Up The Michael Flynn Treason In 5 Minutes
Michael Flynn's crimes aren't complicated they're just in the middle of a cover-up.
I just want to give Rob Reiner a hug for saying what needs to be said about Michael Flynn, the Trump White House, and treason:
ROB REINER: They certainly have obscured it up till this point. That is certainly their intent. But the truth ultimately will come out. It may take awhile and it is a confusing story. But let's make no mistake about it. This man who is the head of our country is a pathological liar. And everybody around him is lying. There's no way to another way to look at this thing. Not only did we know about Michael Flynn. There were a number of articles, there was a letter written by the House Oversight Committee. It was well-known what Michael Flynn was doing. He was fired by the Barack Obama. So that is clear. And what EJ Dionne said is absolutely true. The one thing that they have been successful at so far is obfuscating the biggest single story that is -- that is permeating this country right now, and that is the invasion of a foreign power, a hostile foreign power into our democracy. And the Michael Flynn story aside from the fact that he was taking money from Turkey, from Russia, from places and clearly that's a criminal behavior, the main part of the story and something that we haven't even talked about is why? Why? With the White House knowing full well that this is who he was, they still appointed him National Security Adviser. And that is why Sally Yates has been kicked off the stage. She'll now come back on and that is she overheard Michael Flynn talking to the US -- the Russian ambassador, Kislyak about getting rid of the sanctions. That's the story. And that's where we have to start thinking about the undermining of our democracy.