'The Simpsons' Recreate The Chaos Of Trump's First 100 Days

The cartoon writers who predicted Trump's rise over a decade ago perfectly depict the terror of the most criminal administration in history.

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, accompanied by appropriate thunder and lightning, sets the scene as 'The Simpsons' create one of the few accurate portrayals of the first 100 days of Donald Trump chaos.

Sean Spicer is hanging in the background, with an "I quit" sign on his body, then Kellyanne Conway shuffles away, refusing to be the "next." We move to the next room, where we are treated to Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus, choking each other, hopefully both to mortal completion.

Upstairs we go, and Trump, in his bed can't be bothered reading anything presidential, as we all know too well, except his number of Twitter followers. Secretary of All Things, Jared, announces a new bill to give tax cuts only to Republicans. He talks?

Perhaps the funniest, yet most prescient depiction showed First Lady/Daughter Ivanka who strolls into the Supreme Court to 'replace' RBG, adorned with QVC-like captions to help peddle her robe and accessories, which can be purchased in rubles. When she approaches Ginsburg, our last liberal hope cries, 'you said you'd replace me with GARLAND!'

The sketch concludes by reminding us that we are only 6.8% of the way there. Paid for by Anybody Else 2020.


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