SNL: Trump Pits Kushner And Bannon In Apprentice-Style Showdown

Saturday Night Live's Cold Open featured Jimmy Fallon as Jared Kushner facing off against the Grim Reaper aka Steve Bannon in an Apprentice-like showdown

Tonight's SNL cold open is definitely going to piss Donald Trump off. Not only did it feature a Bannon as the Grim Reaper, but it also mercilessly mocked Jared Kushner, his son-in-law/source of envy/main adviser/main White House Jew. Whoops.

The sketch started off pretty tame. VP Mike Pence (Beck Bennet) congratulating him on his biggest achievements of his first 100 days. There was one item on the list. Gorsuch.

The set up was pretty funny: Trump had to pick between Bannon and flak-outfitted Kushner to move forward as his "main adviser". That person would win $100,000 from L'Oreal and the loser would be banished to the basement with Kellyanne Conway. Bwa ha ha ha.

As always, Alec Baldwin's impression of Donald Trump is spot on. SNL just needs to add him to the credits as a guest. He has been on nearly every episode this season with most being the cold opens.

How long until Trump angry tweets from Mar-A-Lago? Will he bomb North Korea first? Or will he wait until after he eats a "beautiful" piece of chocolate cake?

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