Thanks For Nothing MSNBC! You Gave Hugh Hewitt A Show?

Hewitt gives Trump a 'Solid B' as a grade for his first 100 days. Did you know that not withdrawing from NAFTA is an 'accomplishment?'

Just when you think there's a chance that we'd have a media outlet that isn't constantly pivoting to the right, MSNBC makes a programming decision that annihilates any hope we may have had. Just when you think things are getting better for progressives on the teevee, Phil Griffin reminds us that they serve the same masters as they do at Fox and CNN. They serve big corporations, which means they LEAN RIGHT!

Just to take the wind out of our sails after the positive news, specifically MSNBC reporting impressive ratings for Rachel Maddow, beating out GOP-TV for the first time. They even came up with a new slogan "This is who we are."

Who are you really, MSNBC? You are not honest professionals in pursuit of facts. That's for sure. You just hired another grifting right wing liar. Hugh Hewitt, a man steadfastly devoted to knocking down the Clintons in favor of a sociopath/lying narcissist, did he really impress MSNBC's brass enough to give him a show? Yep. He sure did.

Great strategy, MSNBC! If you want to keep your new viewers, who are perhaps ex-Fox patrons, you think that resorting to the same dishonest tactics as Faux is the way to go? Sure, let's add Hewitt to the MSNBC line-up. Hewitt will be on in the evenings, per his request, but thus far on the weekends, thank goodness for us.

It must be brought up anytime this hack's name is mentioned, the absolute low point of his career had to be when he carried water for felonious creep, James O'Keefe on MSNBC.

Today, he appeared on this 'leftist' network and here's a little of what was said.

GOSK: I want to start by asking you, 100 days, what kind of grade does "President" Trump get?

HEWITT: A solid "B." It's a sea change from President Obama. A lot (of chaos) has been accomplished.

Apparently Hewitt has no recollection of all that happened during Obama's 2 terms, because he's a Republican and the past doesn't matter, unless it's one of his guys. Hugh, a.k.a. Mashed potatoes with white gravy, brags about (breaking the Senate to install) Gorsuch, dropping the M.O.A.B. on Afghanistan, charming the Chinese President Xi (or scaring the crap out of him), the Syrian strike and praised Trump's make-believe efforts to really screw healthcare up for millions of Americans. He even found a way to praise Reince Priebus.

HEWITT: ...if the "president" is making easy decisions, the chief of staff is not doing his job. "President" Trump has acknowledged, over the last few days, it's a very hard job so Reince Priebus is doing his job. and I am very happy actually where we are after 100 days, but I want the momentum in the right direction to continue, not abate.

Of course he wants this awful nation-annihilation to continue because he is a cyborg sent here from the future to destroy America. h/t Driftglass

GOSK: You mentioned domestic policy. Has there been any shuffle in foreign policy?

HEWITT: The Secretary General came here and he said NATO is relevant again because he's getting the redirection that he wants. And I also look at not withdrawing from NAFTA...and blah blah, he's pivoting to the center, blah, blah, blah.

Please, just stop! Not destroying something done by his predecessors is NOT an accomplishment.

He did call the "Freedom Caucus" the Area 51 Subcaucus, and on that, we agree. That's the exception, as truly, there's not one thing this man has to offer that would compel anyone to tune into his show, when it goes on air.

Come ON Hugh, stop normalizing Trump, as if he's a sane, rational or competent human being much less a leader, THE Leader of the Free World. Good Lord. Make it stop!

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