Top 5 (Horrible) Reasons Right Wingers Should Be Environmentalists

As the Trump Regime thinks about exiting the Paris Climate Agreement, here are some talking points to use with your remaining right wing relations that let them cling to their insanity and NOT destroy the entire living ecosystem.

President Trump’s top advisors and cabinet officials are debating whether or not the U.S. should pull out of the Paris climate change agreement. They will surely not be considering science or morality but more likely how much money they and their cronies stand to make from the decision. Trending public opinion does make a difference so here are some talking points to use with your remaining right wing relations that let them cling to their insanity and NOT destroy the entire living ecosystem.

1) Nationalism

If you want America first in all things, know that Pakistan is converting 20,000 public schools to solar power, China is currently the world's largest solar power producer, and India has the world’s largest solar power plant. Meanwhile Trump proposes cutting solar development.

2) Lower Taxes and Cut Welfare

You work hard. You try to get ahead. Then at tax time you wind up paying for some irresponsible schmuck’s negligent choices. Like when those corporate welfare queens Charles & David Koch’s paper mill used an Alabama river as a dump for millions of gallons of hazardous chemicals like ammonia, chloride, and heavy metals, and left red-blooded American taxpayers to foot the bill to clean it up.

3) Anti-Immigration

Less people will try to seek refuge in the US if they have clean water, air, and food to eat at home.

4) No Wins For Barack Obama

Trump is in office now. If environmental conditions improve, Republicans will count it as a win for their side until the end of time, which will be later, rather than sooner than if we stay on the perilous ecological track we are on now.

5) Jesus Said So

The Gospel of Matthews says the presence of God is 'with us' and also ‘with all living things’. (See Mt. I. -23; 28:20). So by destroying living things we are destroying God's presence in the world. And Jesus said not to do that. He said to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, not dump RoundUp onto our food supply.

Julianna Forlano is a writer, professor, and media expert who was once the only liberal host on all of Fox News Radio while at the same time hosting on the Pacifica Network. She currently writes, produces and hosts at act.tv. She is a professor at The City University of New York at Brooklyn College and trains organizations in effective communication for mobilizing action.

Twitter: @JuliannaForlano    Facebook: JuliannaForlano    www.JuliannaForlano.com

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