Trump Buses Entire Senate To White House Because He Can

Trump is great at one thing: creating fake drama.

The lack of enthusiasm from the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was obvious:

How was the briefing? >> It was fine. >> Did you guys learn anything in there that you didn't know before? >> I didn't, really. It was an okay briefing. >> What do you mean it was an okay briefing? You didn't really learn much? >> I -- it was -- it was okay. >>

The White House chartered two buses and put the Senate of the United States of America on them to ride on over for an "important" briefing on North Korea. The expert White House briefers are going to the House of Representatives today to brief key congressmen on the same thing.

The CHAIRMAN of the Senate FOREIGN RELATIONS Committee, a Republican also too, said he gained nothing from the exercise.

Good going, Donald.

Donald Trump is good at two things: bullying and making a dramatic TV op that turns out to be nothing.

So he made the Senate, the entire Senate, come up to HIS house and hear what he wanted them to hear, and it was nothing. Nothing new.

And the drama of the buses, not to mention the cost?

And as Cory Booker explained to Rachel Maddow, Trump's staff apparently jimmied up a secure room in the White House when there is more than one "secure" space in the Senate Chamber they could have used.

This was a power play and a distraction and utter BS. And Corker in particular looked angry and exhausted by the whole thing.

Join the club, Senator.

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