Trump Forgets Paul Ryan's Name

Paul, Ron, what's the difference?

Donald Trump and most of his circus came to Wisconsin on Tuesday to do some grandstanding and showboating while he signs the ironic "Buy American, Hire American" executive order even though he can't be bothered doing those things himself.

Before signing the order, he gave one of his usual speeches. The first minute, minute and a half talking about how great his victory was and how great his presidency is.(After he left the stage, they had enough of his speech left over to fertilize 10 cornfields, if you know what I mean.)

Trump then did a gratuitous shout out to his host, Snap-On Tools.

After that, he went on with the acknowledgements of the Wisconsin Republicans that showed up to kiss his ring and his ass. People like Scott Walker, Ron Johnson and Reince Priebus.

Trump also gave a plug for Lyin' Ryan, sort of:

Although he could not be here today, my thanks goes out to Speaker Ryan, who represented this city for nearly two decades in Congress. And do you know where he is? He's with NATO and so he has a good excuse.

And I said, "Ron, make sure these countries start paying their bills a little bit more. You know, they're way, way behind, Ron."

Trump finally did catch himself and tried to cover it up by pretending he was speaking to RoJo and finally remembering that Ryan's first name is Paul.

In Trump's own words, "Sad. Very sad."

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