Tucker And Coulter Blame Liberals For Trump's Flip Flops

How should a "true conservative" face Donald Trump's flip-flops? Ann Coulter says "Blame the Liberals!"

Here is a snip of the loathsome Ann Coulter, who was asked the following question by the equally loathsome Tucker Carlson on the incomparably loathsome Fox News:

What should people who supported the President, in the beginning, think of what's happened in the last week?"

But notice that it took her and Carlson less than two minutes to pivot to their real topic: bashing the Left and the media who want to "dump the entire Third World on our country" as part of their master plan to "destroy America".

And this is my point: While America's most fatuous pundits continue to wring their hands and worry about Democrats offending America's inbred nitwits, bigots and Fox News rage-a-holics by blaming them for, y'know, electing President Stupid...

...Conservatives continue their successful, 30-year strategy of never, ever missing an opportunity to heap blame on the Left for every f*ucking thing that has ever gone wrong since the Battle of Thermopylae.

And what has this strategy of using every camera, microphone and printed word at their command -- from the pulpit to the publishing house to coast-to-coast Hate Radio -- to relentlessly lie, obstruct and demonize the Left while mainstreaming overt racism, crackpot conspiracies and pandering to the worst inbred nitwits, bigots and Fox News rage-a-holics in America gotten them?

The House of Representatives.

The Senate.

The White House.

The Supreme Court.

32 state legislatures and 33 governors.

Reserved seating at every "respectable" political talking head program on teevee.

Rollbacks of every single aspect of America's forward progress, from civil rights to environmental protection.

All of which was carried out openly, in public, the cheers of the worst inbred nitwits, bigots and Fox News rage-a-holics in America...

...while America's most fatuous pundits kept right on counseling the Left to bend over further, to compromise more, to dig even deeper to find ways to extend yet another olive branch and another and another and another to thugs and lunatics pissed in our faces ever time we tried.

The way to beat the Right is to run straight at them with a verbal sword in each hand: one for the them, and one for the pundits who keep excusing and defending them.

Fun Fact: Despite her decades of venomous racism and overt sedition, Ann Coulter still has a nationally syndicated column, which still appears in my local newspaper, but oddly, only in the print edition. It's almost as if someone high up the State Journal-Register's chain of command is requiring them to print her bile, but someone else in management is sufficiently embarrassed by their paper's filthy habit that they don't want the rest of the world to be able to Google it.

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