Who's To Blame For Trump's Failed First 100 Days? The Constitution, Of Course
Donald Trump is running out of scapegoats for his disastrous first 100 days.

Donald Trump, in typical Donald Trump fashion, has refused to take blame for literally anything that has occured in the first 100 days of his Presidency*.
The wall failing? Democrats.
The Muslim Ban? Rogue judges, Democrats.
Obamacare? Freedom Caucus. Weak leaders. Democrats. Obama.
Now that he has used up his ability to blame Obama for most things and it is becoming crystal clear that the failure lies solely with him for proposing utterly ridiculous, mostly illegal and obviously racist laws, he is taking a new position.
What is to blame? The U.S. Constitution. Yes, you read that right.
The Guardian reports that Trump is having a big old, orange, bloated, poorly coiffed tantrum about all the "archaic" restrictions the Constitution is putting on him. Damn it, he wants to be an authoritarian leader, a KING for goodness sakes. He wants to wave his gold scepter and make the minions do his bidding with no push back. No one is allowed to question him, as Stephen Miller said back in February.
Trump's blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance for his utter failure. He said: “It’s a very rough system. It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”
So what will he do? Try to get rid of it. I wouldn't put anything past him.