ACLU Pushes Back On Trump's Stupid Voter Fraud Commission

Trump's "Voter Fraud Commission" is trying to fix a problem that does not exist.

The ACLU is pushing back hard on the nutty "Voter Fraud Commission" created by Donald Trump this week. Dale Ho, director of the ACLU Voting Rights Project, says there are specific things we all need to do to protect our voting rights from this sham commission that includes vote suppresser patient zero, Chris Kobach:

...The American people should demand that elected officials and election administrators not participate in this phony commission. The only thing that participating in this commission will do is lend a person’s credibility to a sham process, unless or until Kris Kobach is removed as the vice-chair.

Secondly, people should demand that no changes be made to the motor voter law. It’s one of the most important laws in our country. Attempts to undermine it will hinder Americans’ ability to exercise the most fundamental right in our democracy.

And finally, we have to talk about what is really wrong with voting in the United States: We have one of the worst voter turnout rates in the world. Our democracy’s weakness is that there are so many eligible people who don’t make it to the polls, not that we have ineligible people trying to break into the system. If we want to enhance election integrity, we should focus on ensuring that everyone who wants to participate can.

More at the ACLU website.

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