Anderson Cooper Rolled His Eyes At Kellyanne, And Fox Has A Sad

How dare he roll his eyes at yet another pointless pivot?

Anderson Cooper rolled his eyes last night after one of Kellyanne Conway's more outrageous pivots, and it went viral:

So of course this is the main story on Fox this morning. (Starts at 1:07 in the main video)

It's sexism! It's the liberal media carrying water for the Democrats! It couldn't possibly be the frustration with yet another refusal to answer a direct question!

Nope. It's a very grave matter. She was "degraded and dismissed". She was "infantilized."

Now, I've been in the position of defending conservatives from sexist treatment, because it really does happen. But at some point, continually dishonest behavior transcends gender, and this is one of those times. Kellyanne Conway works for the worst president ever, and does a very good job pretending he's a great one. She is a master of propaganda.

She's so good at changing the subject that Anderson Cooper rolled his eyes. Because maybe, just once, he'd like her to just answer a question honestly.

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