Bill Maher, Cornel West Get Into Yelling Match Over Election

Make lambasted Cornel West for false equivalance in the presidential election.

Last night, Bill Maher and Cornel West got into a shouting match on Real Time over West saying Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were "equally awful."

West insisted that Bernie Sanders could have won the election, and took a shot at Clinton after Maher pointed out that one of the former Secretary of State’s first speeches as a candidate was about mass incarceration that disproportionately affects young black men.

“Hillary gave speeches about a whole lot of stuff, but it didn’t have a whole lot of integrity in it, brother,” West said.

Maher called that “bullshit.”

West admitted Clinton was better than Trump, but said, "Who isn’t better than Trump?”

“That isn’t an answer. It’s glib, it’s beneath you. For someone who’s such an intellectual, that answer is beneath you,” Maher said.

And then it got worse. Watch the whole thing:

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