Fox Attacks Reporting On Trump Scandals As 'Opposition Party'

If you're wondering why your crazy Uncle Liberty still believes Trump is the greatest president ever, here's what life looks like inside of the right-wing bubble.

If you're wondering why your crazy Uncle Liberty (h/t Driftglass) still believes Trump is the Greatest President Ever, here's what life looks like inside of the right-wing bubble.

Over in GOP-TV land, otherwise known as Pravda Fox "news," the problem is not Trump or his administration's behavior. Nope. It's the evil non-existent "liberal media's" fault for reporting on all of the scandals.

How dare they let the public know what's going on? Here are some of the headlines for the last couple of days over on Fox's blog, Fox News Insider:

Gohmert: I'm 'Amazed Comey Appears to Be Confessing to a Crime'

Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'Nothing Wrong' With Trump's Comments to Comey

JD Hayworth: Media Now Marketing 'The Lynching of the President'Gutfeld: President Trump 'Impeachmentitis' Is Spreading

Blackwater Founder: Ironically 'The Left Loved The USSR' 30 Years Ago

Hannity: Anti-Trump Forces 'Wetting Their Pants Over Comey Memo'

Dana Loesch Says Media Throwing 'Hail Mary Pass' to Help Dems

Limbaugh: Where Are Comey's Memos From Meetings With Obama?

Bolling: WaPo, NYT Should Be 'Ashamed' of Their Reporting

Ted Nugent: The Left's Attacks on Trump Are 'Saul Alinsky Berserk'

Hannity: It's Time to Fight Back Against the Forces Trying to Destroy Trump'We Have Your Back': Watch a MI Voter's Impassioned Message to Trump

Judge Jeanine: Trump Must Understand He's Now in 'Treacherous Waters'

Goldberg: Trump Should Stop Tweeting and Dems Should Halt Impeachment TalkTIME Magazine Accused of Ripping Off MAD With Russian White House Cover

WH Official: NYT, WaPo Reports Are 'Coordinated Attack' on Trump

Harvard Study: 80% of Trump Coverage Was Negative During First 100 Days

Gingrich Slams NYT, WaPo Reports as 'Garbage' Intended to 'Smear' TrumpTucker Calls Out Media Bias, 'Progressive Activists Posing as Reporters'

Dershowitz Says Special Counsel Will Help Trump: 'He's Going to Find No Crime'

Gorka on Mainstream Media: 'It's Not News, It's Not Reporting, It's Just Propaganda'

And we've got the latest example in the clip above, with Fox & Friends host Pete Hegseth, with an assist from Trump supporter Gianno Caldwell, accuses The New York Post and The Washington Post of colluding in order to destroy Trump.

Hegseth showed this graphic and tried to use it as proof that the media is just out to get Trump, which was knocked down by the other guest, Richard Fowler, who was quickly cut off by Hegseth after he pointed out that Trump has been his own worst enemy when it comes to generating a lot of his own negative press coverage.

As Media Matters reported, as soon as these stories broke on Friday, Fox immediately began echoing the White House's talking points, attacking the media: Fox News’ first reporting on breaking NY Times and Wash. Post articles echoed White House talking points.

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