Fox Friends And Guest Pretend Obamacare Repeal Isn't Racist

The man won't be 25 until December, but he's an expert on healthcare for himself and those who are much older than he is?

Every story on Fox and Friends begins with a mandatory demonization of the Left.

STEVE DOOCY: The Left holding nothing back in their attacks on the Republican 'healthcare' bill. Now, some are even calling it racist They're just trying to erase anything that President Obama did (the only true statement in this segment).

So what should Fox do to swat this unpleasant truth away and introduce some more pathetic Fox Fiction? Seems like the perfect time to trot out a guy who has sold his soul to the Blaze and the GOP, leaving the Democratic Party because let's face it, being a CON-servative pays far better, especially when the White Supremacy party needs a token Black person to reinforce their lies.

Meet Lawrence Jones, who won't even turn twenty-five until December. He ought to know a thing or two about the inequities of this Draconian Healthcare punishment plan the GOP wants to inflict on America, right? And, he's an expert on race, well, because he is Black. Just like Ben Carson, who thinks HUD housing should not be so 'cozy.' With Black friends like these...

The curvy couch and their guest were all clutching their pearls after Wanda Sykes went on The View on Friday to denounce Trump 'Care' as racist, in addition to calling Trump's wall "the dumbest idea ever."

SYKES: It's racism, that's it. It was having a black president and they want to get rid of it that's what it is.

Time to cue the outrage drama...who could be better than the lovely token blonde to drive this point home to those adoring viewers, especially their lord and savior, Herr Trump?

EARHARDT: Lawrence you're getting death threats? What did you say this weekend that caused you to get these death threats?

Like the ones President Obama received thousands of times a day for helping poor people? Jones puts the onus on the Affordable Care Act, and not the greedy profit-driven employers who wished nothing more than to see their employees do without a human right. They are totally infallible, apparently.

JONES: I was essentially talking about how Obamacare was affecting the black community which is issues that affect all America and I talked about the 30-hour rule and how many black folks weren't able to keep their jobs because of the health care law and it made a lot of people upset for some reason?

Of course, Jones made that statement sans facts, which is the M.O. of this 'news' network. Why not elaborate on a completely false premise? This is, after all, Trump's Pravda, right? But let's harp on these alleged 'death' threats, that'll cue the outrage meter.

JONES: Let me be clear, first of all I'm not afraid for my safety. I live in Texas where I am protected by the Second Amendment. You know these people right here they fail to acknowledge the failed policies of this first black president. I'm not going to give him a pass just because he was the first Black president; he made a lot of promises to my community and I supported him in 2008 campaign for him so this is not a far-right agenda trying to destroy this man. All I wanted him to do is what he said he was going to do which was make our lives better and any black person in America if they can honestly say that this president made life for Black America better through this health care bill this health care law; I'll accept it but that's not true.

Jones addresses the fact that his mother has Lupus and under Obama's plan, her premiums were 'high.' Guess what? If this god-awful Trump deathcare passes, her premiums won't even exist. Lupus is a preexisting condition, so Mr. Jones' dear mother won't even be eligible for even modestly affordable coverage. You don't know what you've got, til it's gone. And it will go away if the GOP has their way.

Remember the basic premise of the GOP 'health' plan: Don't get sick, but if you do, and can't afford coverage, DIE QUICKLY!

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