Greg Gutfeld Complains Yates Hearing Was Too Slow

Ironic, coming from a guy who is too slow to grasp almost everything.

Apparently, Greg Gutfeld thinks that a Congressional hearing into Russian meddling into our election – and the suspicious behavior of Donald Trump’s Russia-linked former national security adviser – should be entertaining, perhaps like an action movie.

In a discussion on The Five about Monday's Senate hearing with Sally Yates and James Clapper, cohost Gutfeld used his time to comment with a lengthy whine that he obviously thought viewers would find amusing:

GUTFELD: It’s like watching a turtle knit a sweater. It’s like being stuck in a bank line behind, like, a really slow older person trying to explain something … when they’re trying to change a hundred dollars in change.

But that wasn’t asinine enough for Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: We need Cliff Notes for this sort of thing. Do you guys remember Cliff Notes? … Cliff Notes for this hearing: Obama warned them about Flynn. But if you judge Obama’s expertise on hiring, on his past hiring: Susan Rice, Hillary, John Kerry - his vetting isn’t so inspiring. So maybe when he said Flynn was bad news, it was like a reversal, he [Trump] thought, “Maybe he’s good news.” Walmart greeters went through more scrutiny than what Obama did.

This is either spectacularly disingenuous and dishonest or else shockingly ignorant. You may not agree with Obama’s picks but they were each highly qualified. Trump, on the other hand, has picked some jaw-droppingly unqualified people such as Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos and Rex Tillerson. That’s not counting the fact that Trump chose as a national security adviser someone who likely committed a crime while cozying up to Russia.

A guy who whines about having to watch a Congressional hearing (assuming he actually watched it and didn’t just snark about it) and deceives viewers about presidential cabinet picks is what passes for a prime time news analyst on Fox News.

Watch this “joke” of a news host above, from the May 8, 2017 The Five.

Originally published at Newshounds.us

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