The Health Insurance Republicans Say Is Too Good For Ordinary Folks

What's good for the goose is not allowed for the gander when it comes to health insurance!

Well, Paul Ryan and his ganon of leeches, House Republicans, finally did it. They finally passed a healthcare bill that sufficiently rips off Americans while giving insurance companies' CEOs millions in tax breaks, alongside folks making more than $200,000 in personal income..

Zombie-like, GOP Representatives didn't even bother to read the bill. All Paul Ryan had to do was wave those big, juicy amendments in front of their mean little hateful faces and suddenly Republicans got in line and chanted "Aye."

Contrary to what Republicans are saying in front of the cameras, their plan will not save you money, help you to get better coverage or keep insurance companies from discriminating against you and your family for preexisting conditions.

What the AHCA Means for You

According to a New York Times article published today, the Republican AHCA bill will actually do the following:

  1. Poor people will have to pay much more for their healthcare because of reduced subsidies.
  2. Middle age Americans and seniors will be paying much, much more. One estimate is that those 50 and older will pay up to 5 times their current costs under Obamacare.
  3. Republican states are likely to waive the rules keeping insurance companies from charging more for pre-existing conditions and for Medicaid expanded services. This will cut assistance to mental health care and substance abuse care.
  4. Defunds Planned Parenthood for a year. No subsidies will be given to policies that help cover abortions.
  5. Gives those earning over $200,000 a tax break by eliminating a 0.9% increase on Medicaid payroll taxes and a 3.8% tax on investment income totaling $300 billion.
  6. Eliminates the tax penalty for not having health insurance.
  7. Large employers will no longer have to offer health plans to their employees or offer employer contributions.
  8. Medicaid is to be cut by $880 billion (over 10 years). This will kick millions off Medicaid.

Healthcare for Congress Only

Whether you are on AHCA or not, the changes Republicans are proposing should this flaming, stinking pile of a bill pass the Senate will affect every American, except, possibly, those who shoveled onto Americans in the first place. (See note below)

Plans exclusively offered to Congress and their staff are tiered as bronze, silver, gold and platinum. In order to get employer contribution benefits, they must purchase at least a gold tier plan of which there are 57 choices. Gold plans pay on average 80% of medical costs.

Their plan mandates employer contributions. That means Ryan and his gang have 72-75% of their premiums paid by their employer-YOU! If Ryan's healthcare plan is $1,500 a month for him and his family, we pay $1,080 - $1,125 for his healthcare. Ryan only pays $375-$420 per month for some of the best healthcare insurance in the world.

Congress' healthcare plans can only increase premiums based on age. Premiums do not increase for preexisting conditions, gender, geography or even for smokers. Your governor may choose to waive the rules under the AHCA and allow insurance companies to charge you more based on the fact that you have survived breast cancer or because your child has autism, but your representatives in Congress and their staffs may not be affected by that decision.

Additionally, Congress and their staff in D.C.can pay a flat fee of $611 a year to use the Office of the Attending Physician as their general practitioner. These visits are limitless and include:

  1. laboratory services such as blood and urine tests
  2. x-rays
  3. physical therapy
  4. electrocardiographic services
  5. 24 hour assistance
  6. referrals
  7. allergy and flu shots
  8. immunizations
  9. specialists are brought in at no charge to members

As their employer, we are paying for that too! Republicans are hypocrites in so many ways but none is as egregious as this. They claim government healthcare is not good for Americans. Healthcare should be privatized for more options they say. But when it comes to their healthcare, they love government healthcare. They love their Attending Physician benefits provided by our taxpayer money. They adore that they only pay roughly 25% of their premiums and 20% of other medical costs. They don't worry about preexisting conditions or their governors removing protections, because it doesn't apply to them. Government healthcare is great for Congress and they have plenty of choices.

Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green or whatever, this is a subject that affects us all. Republican lawmakers have chosen their path. Be sure to remember this when you vote in 2018.

Ed. Note: Yesterday the House reluctantly and nominally agreed that if the travesty called the AHCA somehow becomes the law of the land, Congress should have to be subject to it, too, which means it will never become the law of the land. It's entirely too cruel for the snowflakes in Congress.

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