How Dare Obama ‘Take Veiled Hits’ On Trump While They’re Both In Europe!
The Hiked Skirt Brigade on Outnumbered haz quite a sad because President Obama made some veiled criticisms of Glorious Donald Trump while both were in Europe.
The Hiked Skirt Brigade on Outnumbered haz quite a sad because President Obama made some veiled criticisms of Glorious Donald Trump while both were in Europe.
President Barack Obama got a rock star welcome in Berlin today, quite a contrast to Donald Trump’s “welcome” to Belgium by thousands of protesters. Of course, nobody mentioned that as they obsessed on whether Obama had somehow soiled his legacy by suggesting disagreements with Glorious Trump.
And never mind that Fox News had wasted no time attacking Obama’s foreign travels – while he was still abroad – even earlier in his presidency. That was so Democrat-in-office ago!
And it’s not as if Obama questioned the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency, which Trump bogusly and viciously did to Obama. When was the last time you saw any Fox News conservative holding that against Trump? Me neither.
No, on Outnumbered we saw clips of Obama saying that while he hadn’t met his goal of health insurance for 100% of Americans, his 20 million increase is now in jeopardy because “there’s still a significant debate taking place in the United States.” We also saw Obama saying, “In the eyes of God, a child on the other side of the border is no less worthy of love and compassion than my own child,” and “In this new world that we live in, we can’t isolate ourselves. We can’t hide behind a wall.”
Well, how dare he?!?
Cohost Meghan McCain, the only cohost wearing a modest-length dress, “asked” as she opened the discussion, “Is it appropriate?”
Cohost Harris Faulkner chided, “It’s distasteful is what it is.”
The show's #OneLuckyGuy, Democrat Mo Elleithee, pushed back, noting Trump’s birtherism.
So cohost Trish Regan changed the subject to blame Obama for ISIS. As if, even if it were true, that meant he should never open up his mouth about intelligence and military-secrets blabbing Trump!
REGAN: He’s [Trump] working hard to do what he can to secure this country and you’re [Obama] up there saying, “Oh, this is not what we need, this is not the direction we should go in.” Well guess what? Your direction did not work! We have ISIS, thanks to the direction of President Obama.
It was also a nice way to distract from Trump’s embarrassing behavior at NATO!
McCain asked Elleithee, “Can you at least concede that a lot less children would have been gassed in Syria had we not been isolationist?”
But instead of noting the hypocrisy, the obvious agenda or bringing up how Trump is not exactly acting like someone "working hard" to secure the U.S., Elleithee played the old, “I agree with you, I just won’t go that far” Democrat on Fox game that never seems to work. “I’m as critical of the Syria policy as a lot of people are… probably my one big regret of the Obama years,” he said.
“It would have been nice to have the former president simply say I want the best for America,” cohost Sandra Smith griped.
As if we need to be told that about Obama.
Watch the poutrage above, from the May 25, 2017 Outnumbered.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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