Anderson Cooper To Jeffrey Lord: 'If Donald Trump Took A Dump On His Desk, You'd Defend Him'

Anderson Cooper says to Jeffrey Lord what we've all wanted to say, except for the part about "get off the air."

Really, Anderson Cooper, if you're going to go full "don't sugarcoat it," why don't you have the power to ban Jeffrey Lord from your show?

The news has come fast this Friday night, and Anderson Cooper 360 was discussing that Trump called the FBI Director Comey a "nut job" and saying he fired Comey to relieve pressure on the Russia investigation (obstruction of justice).

Of course, Jeffrey Lord defended Trump because that's what Jeff Zucker hired Jeffrey Lord to do on CNN.

But apparently, it's Anderson Cooper's job to get viral clips of his show on social media, because he said this.

"If he took a dump on his desk, you would defend it. I don't know what he would do that you would not defend. I mean you're a loyal guy, I think that speaks well of you."

It's hard to turn that into a gif, like the eyeroll,

but still. You win social media for a crazy Friday night.

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