Jimmy Kimmel Really Changed A Lot Of Minds In The Fox Audience (No, He Didn't)
Three and a half million people have already watched the clip in which Jimmy Kimmel discusses his newborn son's congenital heart disease and pleads for universal health care.
Three and a half million people have already watched the clip in which Jimmy Kimmel discusses his newborn son's congenital heart disease and pleads for universal health care.
Kimmel said:
If your baby is going to die and it doesn’t have to, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make. I think that’s something that whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat or something else, we all agree on that, right?
New York magazine's Margaret Hartmann responded to this with a post titled "Jimmy Kimmel Might Have Struck the Final Blow Against the GOP Health-Care Plan."
I don't think so. I just checked out a Fox News story about Kimmel's monologue. If you think no one could fail to be moved by what Kimmel said, you don't understand conservatives. Here are some of the comments:
So some rich and famous dude has a baby born with birth defects and now everyone else has to be taxed to the max to provide universal health care?
Kimmel thought it was alright to attack Ivanka and her kids on a plane because they are Trump's. But everyone should care about his kid? typical self absorbed lib
Perhaps his son will have a change of heart and not grow up to be a liberal POS like his father.
Leave it to the POS Kimmel to make it political. He deserves what ever he gets. Karma is a wonderful thing.
"Many thanks to capitalism and private health care....." (I'm sure that was his monologue.)
Not clear to me how taxpayer funding of the NIH has anything to do with the treatment of Kimmel's kid. Is he implying that the hospital would have refused treatment if funding was eliminated? Cry to someone else, Kimmel. Just more Dem crocodile tears. He's learning fro Schumer.
Glad the little guy is doing well. He shouldn't be targeted because of his low life liberal father.
I'd support doing away with obamacare and replacing it with...NOTHING!!!! Let people earn their health insurance; it's not a RIGHT !!! just another entitlement to the knuckledraggers in this country !!
He should have been forced to take the child to a VA hospital and get on a list like everyone else. Why is he so special? The science guy should have charged the parents a fee for expanding their foot prints in the liberal world.
Why do these people use themselves to garner pity? The child probably wouldn't have needed surgery if you had not abused drugs for most of your life.
Ok for once in his life he is not disparaging someone else and we are now suppose to feel sorry for him? save it dope
Glad things went well with your son, Jimmy. Just don't use him for a soapbox.
Kimmel is a sap, but also just another left-biased liar. Contrary to his lies, pre-Obamacare there was not a hospital in this country that, upon having a baby born w/ congenital heart disease, would not immediately rush the baby to surgery or whatever life-saving care was needed - pre-existing condition, insurance or not. Why the lies Jimmy?
bet a liberal elitist that jimmy is, his kid didn't have to use obamacare...
Nobody wants to hear about your kid. Millions are going through the same thing stuck with the Obamacrap that you support. Cry them a river.
Jimmy Kimmel is a hack and a pretty despicable piece of crap. Anyone who uses the illness of their own child to move a political agenda is awful. Any other human being would have asked God through prayer to help his young child. Jimmy, maybe you are being punished for being a liberal GODLESS lune. Maybe Jimmy, you should have aborted that child (murder) as 90% of other libterds would have. Using your own childs misfortune as a political PROP is DESPICABLE
Jimmy Kimmel is an idiot and karma is a biotch.
And then there's our old pal Joe Walsh:
Nahhh, Kimmel's monologue isn't going to change the debate.
MORE: "Shut up, Jimmy Kimmel, You Elitist Creep," from Charles Hurt of The Washington Times:
... as if at the Oscars, the dirty, self-absorbed, narcissistic exhibitionist could not help himself but step into the klieg lights and start blubbering about politics.
... After his slobbering wet kiss to federal bureaucracy, Mr. Kimmel then went squealing on about Obamacare and how insurance companies, the government and your neighbors should all be forced to pay for everybody else’s health care. (Easy thing to say for a gazillionaire from Hollywood.)
I mean, really, Jimmy, does your newborn child not mean more to you than petty politics? How do you look at the miracle of your child and think — partisan politics!
... Yes, that’s right. He just had a kid and the kid nearly died and he wants you to know that if you are not for bloated federal bureaucracy, socialized medicine, higher taxes and tons of more debt piled onto your grandchildren, then you are not a “decent person.”
Actually Jim, if you were a “decent person,” you would shut your fat trap about partisan politics and go care for your kid, who just nearly died, you elitist creep.
I give up.
Crossposted at No More Mr. Nice Blog