Joe Lieberman Withdraws Name From FBI Nomination

Hey Joe, did the writing on the wall say "RUN"?

Welp, that was terrible while it lasted. NBC News:

Former senator and Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Lieberman withdrew himself from consideration to be the next director of the FBI on Thursday, saying his work with an attorney President Trump has retained to represent him in the Russia investigation would be a potential conflict of interest.

"With your selection of Marc Kasowitz to represent you in the various investigations that have begun, I do believe it would be best to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest, given my role as a senior counsel in the law firm of which Marc is the senior partner," Lieberman wrote Trump in the letter.

Trump had said last week that Lieberman was a leading candidate to head the bureau after his dismissal of Director James Comey earlier this month. But Democrats on Capitol Hill quickly expressed concerns about his nomination after his name was floated as a finalist.

Republicans like John McCain tried to play the "respected by both sides of the aisle" card, a card that was as much a Hashtag Fail as McCain's 2008 presidential bid, endorsed by Turncoat Joe.

And yes Joe as FBI Director would have been a total conflict of interest, but I suspect Joe also saw that adding another line to his government resume -- which might end up as a Wiki entry as "co-conspirator in the Trump-Russia cover up" -- wasn't worth the pay cut.

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