Mika To Huckabee-Sanders: 'You're Actually Not Telling The Truth Right Now'

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is really earning her paycheck today, as the Trump White House sends her out to defend the indefensible.

I could almost feel bad for the verbal beating Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is taking on every network this morning, but then I remember that she's just the newest grifter in a family of grifters, and she's working for the Biggest Grifter of Them All.

Here she is on Morning Joe, defending the indefensible firing of James Comey:

WILLIE GEIST: What was the rationale of the deputy attorney general?

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: I think he laid it out very clearly in the letter he sent to the president that you all have, i'm sure, scoured over. this is a guy who had lost not only the respect and the credibility of people within the Justice Department. Democrats and Republicans alike have been calling for him to step down. Joe, earlier this year you thought it was time for him to step down and get out of the way. i think we're at a place where the FBI, the reputation of this department has been under major scrutiny, taken a big hit. We need to restore credibility back there. I think that has to come from a new leader and new director.

GEIST: Sarah, did the president lose confidence as well in the director or just take the advice of the deputy attorney general?

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: I think it's both. I think we've heard from the rank and file of the FBI, but particularly someone who had done a thorough review and someone who has the respect and reputation that the deputy attorney general has.

There's a big clue. The administration heard from "the rank and file of the FBI"? Nah, brah. That translates to self-serving gossip passed along by Rudy Giuliani, and strengthens my suspicion that Trump plans to nominate him as the next FBI director.

Geist asked Huckabee-Sanders when Trump's opinion of Comey changed.

"I think it came down, the bottom line was he had lost the respect, not only of the rank and file within the FBI, Democrats and Republicans alike, in a town like Washington where you can't get Democrats and Republicans to agree on across the board generally, that most people thought Comey had become more of a distraction, he was incapable of carrying out the job he needed to do and it was time for him to go," she said.

Geist confronted her about saying "It was time to move on from the russia investigation, there's nothing there and that frankly, it's become absurd." Do you know something that the rest of us don't know about there being nothing there?"

So she quotes Joe Scarborough as saying "there's no evidence of collusion here."

Scarborough is not happy.

JOE: Wait, wait, wait. I've got to interrupt.

MIKA: She's quoting you, Joe.

JOE: I said there's no obvious evidence of collusion out there right now. If there were that obvious evidence of collusion, it would have already been leaked by now. I also said there has to be in-depth investigations because it may take, and I think, probably an independent prosecutor to figure out the financial ties between Donald Trump and Russia, to figure out --

MIKA: Which his son Eric says there's a lot of.

JOE: Donald Trump Jr., all talking about how important Russian money has been in keeping the Trump empire afloat all these years.

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: That's a pretty egregious stretch --

JOE: Since you brought my name up twice now, again, a couple of liberal Democrats twisted my words yesterday. I'm surprised that you're twisting my words. What I said there's nothing obvious there. Doesn't that just prove we need an independent counsel to investigate this?

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: Not at all. Joe, we've had almost an entire year that they have spent, the House committees, the Senate committees, the FBI, everyone has looked into this and everybody comes to the same conclusion.

JOE: Yes, there's something there.

MIKA: You're actually not telling the truth right now. Wow.

Scarborough pointed out that Richard Burr and Ben Sasse are talking about the very troubling findings of the Senate Intelligence committee, and how many others are talking about how this investigation needs to go forward.

Huckabee-Sanders stuck to her talking points.

"The Senate investigation, Mike [Barnicle], in fact, is just starting to take off right now. And every bit of it -- I hope the Senate completes it so they can come to the same conclusion that everyone else has and that every person has said, whether it's been [James] Clapper or others that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians."

Scarborough chided her, saying the investigation had just started. "That's like a prosecutor starting a criminal case saying no, we don't have the evidence yet, but that's why we have an investigation," he said.

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