MSNBC Airs The Times Trump Cared About Classified Info

Used to be, we had only The Daily Show for such institutional memory.

Everybody reading this post knows that Donald Trump is an effing hypocrite, and that he is literally doing everything he accused Hillary Clinton of doing on the campaign trail.

What I find interesting about this is that someone at NBCNews thought it worthwhile to go back and compile clips from the campaign of Trump saying what we all know he said. Lecturing the voters that you have to protect classified information, and that his opponent had not done so.

Hypocrisy we knew about. But I didn't know we were having an influence on mainstream media.

Because truly, during the Bush Administration, mainstream media did not go back and look at what the president said about, for instance, the budget surplus. Or Muslims. Or what Tom Friedman said six months ago about the Iraq War.

The absolute best you could do on cable news was wait for Chris Matthews to run a clip from Jon Stewart's The Daily Show as comic relief for Hardball. That's how the truth got on cable news.

Perhaps the extreme awfulness of Trump is showing they can be taught?

I expect the junior video staff (okay, we hear it was @nick_ramsey) at NBC grew up on Jon Stewart, and are making their presence known in as stealth a way as they can.

More like this, please, and thank you.

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