New Ad Targets Repeal Supporters: 'How Could You Do This To Us?'

The spots will run on television and online this week, when House lawmakers are home.

It's a simple, powerful ad. It calls out Congress members by name, lists all the groups who opposed the American Health Care Act, explains what the bill will do, and ends with the question, "How could you do this to us?"

Two dozen House Republicans who voted to repeal Obamacare will see these attack ads in their home districts today.

Those targeted are: Rep. Martha McSally of Arizona, Reps. Don Young of Alaska, Jeff Denham of California, David Valadao of California, Steve Knight of California, Mimi Walters of California, Darrell Issa of California, Brian Mast of Florida, Carlos Curbelo of Florida, David Young of Iowa, Peter Roskam of Illinois, Bruce Poliquin of Maine, Tim Walberg of Michigan, Jason Lewis of Minnesota, Erik Paulsen of Minnesota, Don Bacon of Nebraska, Tom MacArthur of New Jersey, Mark Amodei of Nevada, Lee Zeldin of New York, John Faso of New York, Elise Stefanik of New York, Pete Sessions of Texas, Scott Taylor of Virginia and Dave Brat of Virginia.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of hacks!

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