Rep. Joe 'You Lie' Wilson (R-SC) Destroyed By CSPAN Caller
This hypocritical piece of filth gets the Karma he deserves. Democrats have to give Trump a chance? He disrespected the last ACTUAL POTUS, Barack Obama.
The 2009 State of the Union address by the newly inaugurated (and last duly elected) President, Barack Obama was rudely and historically interrupted by SC Republican Congressman Joe Wilson, something many of us will never forget. This same man has the nerve to insist that Democrats need to give Trump a chance, after months of horrifically incompetent mistakes and irrefutable evidence of criminal conduct, because why? Because HE was such an example of piety towards President Obama?
"Bob," a caller on C-SPAN from Michigan set this man straight with brutal honesty, which is anathema to Wilson's M.O. of never telling the truth about anything.
Raw Story recaps Wilson's tale of events during 2009.
“The level of discourse should be more positive,” Wilson said on Wednesday’s edition of Washington Journal. “In February of 2009, President Obama came to the Capitol Building and spoke to the Republican conference. And he announced at that time that he would be making every issue to address the deficit.”
“I gave him the benefit of the doubt for three months,” the GOP lawmaker insisted. “For three months, I said, ‘Hey, hope and change, we’re going to address the deficit.’ But that’s not what happened.”
Wilson argued that “you give a new person in office an opportunity to serve and give the benefit of the doubt, understanding that we’re here to represent the American people and not our political party.”
That absolutely disingenuous garbage did not sit well with the Michigan caller.
BOB: “I find your presentation to be absolutely just hypocritical. You’re the same person who yelled ‘You lie!’ to THE PRESIDENT when he was making a speech on the floor. And here, you support Donald Trump who is totally incompetent knows nothing and is about to get us into another war. His whole approach to North Korea is stupid.”
“Here he is giving away secrets to the Russians in the Oval Office!” the caller continued. “And you give him your unqualified support.”
The fact that Republicans are not going after Russia is extremely suspect. What could make them look better than a defense of this great Democracy from a foreign adversary? Maybe there's so many complicit Republicans, no one in the morally bankrupt party can speak out honestly? It's hard to fathom any other reason they'd stay so silent when they'd benefit immeasurably from saving our Democracy from a historical adversary like Russia.
Before ending the call, the caller added that Wilson should have resigned after he heckled President Obama in 2009.
Wilson responded by saying that he was “very, very pleased” with President Trump.
When your standards are so low they are absolutely subterranean, of course a piece of unethical crap like Trump, our national embarrassment, would please you.
You suck, Joe Wilson. You suck.