Jennifer Granholm Demolishes Santorum's Kushner Defense
She smacks him down for his idiotic defense of the indefensible, attempts to set up a secret communications method with a hostile enemy.
The elephant in the room this morning is the recent discovery of top White House Staffer and son-in-law, Jared Kushner's (alleged) efforts to establish back channel communications with known spy recruiter and Russian Ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. Naturally, the once-surging Santorum carried water for the (alleged) abhorrent actions of First Lady-Daughter Ivanka's dear husband.
Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm was dumbstruck by Santorum's defense of this clearly historic level of malevolent intent to cozy up to a hostile foreign adversary like Russia!
DANA BASH: Kushner is now the focus. A focus I should say of the FBI's investigation for his contacts with Russia during the transition. Senator Santorum, does this trouble you?
SANTORUM: Not at all. To be 'honest' with you. Jared Kushner was involved in the campaign on policy, involved afterwards, to me, it's not inappropriate at all for him to be talking to people about, at least the substance, we don't know this to be be true. Hey, will the Russians back away from Iran. that's a good thing to be talking to Russia.
BASH With a back channel? To ask if he can have a communications channel directly to Moscow as a member of the --?
SANTORUM: --transition team. To me, look, there are all sorts of back channels established in lots of different capacities and he's clearly a very close confidant of the 'president' and it doesn't bother me in the least.
GRANHOLM: Ahem--So--
SANTORUM: It doesn't.
GRANHOLM: It's in a context, Rick, he fails to disclose meetings with the Russians on his security forms. There are in the team, failures to disclose contacts with Russia. Jim Comey is fired for investigating Russia. Mike Pence is lied to about Russian contacts, so the question really is, why all of this secrecy? What is going on underneath?
SANTORUM: This is classic conflation!
GRANHOLM: No no, You can't deny all those facts HAVE HAPPENED! This is a common sense question. Is it about the fact that Donald Trump has got financial interests that benefit his organizations and he doesn't want people to know that? Is it payback for the Russians helping him get elected? Covering up the
michaelChristopher Steele dossier? Who knows? That's why we need an independent commission...SANTORUM: I think it's great.
GRANHOLM: GOOD! We agree on something.
We agree that Rick Santorum is unqualified to opine on anything without clear insanity.
Is there any way, CNN, you can keep Frothy off your panels?
Wishful thinking.