Scarborough On Mike Pence: 'It Appears That He Lied'
We don't often hear Scarborough speak so bluntly about prominent Republicans.
A lot of people think Pence will be the next president. I'm not so sure, because when someone like Joe Scarborough, in a conversation with New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush, openly calls a Republican VP a liar, it's because he doesn't expect him to be an issue:
GLENN THRUSH: Let me just backtrack for a second. You showed Sarah Huckabee Sanders. We now forget, almost like a sideshow, Mike Pence went up on Capitol Hill yesterday and told reporters that the president -- precisely the same thing that sarah huckabee sanders said -- the vice president of the United States, Joe, said the very exact same thing, that the deputy attorney general did this and Trump was following his recommendation.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: We don't know whether Sarah Huckabee Sanders was set up to go lie for the White House. We do know from your reporting that Mike Pence was in the room when Donald Trump decided that he wanted fire Jim Comey.
GLENN THRUSH: Not only that --
JOE SCARBOROUGH:: and it's much harder for Mike Pence to say I was given bad information. It appears he was not lied to. It appears that he lied.
GLENN THRUSH: Joe, it's one -- I can't speak to motive on that. What we know is what he said in front of the cameras is untrue and what our reporting also bore out -- we got this from half a dozen people who were around at the time. Pence was one of the most forceful proponents for removing James Comey. Here is another thing people forget about Mike Pence. After Chris Christie was sacked on the transition, Pence took over. And Pence, despite the fact that he claimed former national security adviser Flynn lied to him, Pence was read in on these early interactions that Flynn had. Pence has been in the room, Joe, as you know, from the very beginning.