Sean Spicer Spins A Happy GOP Fairy Tale About Preexisting Condition Coverage

We already know the only way the House Freedom caucus has agreed to vote for the bill is if it allows states to opt out of preexisting condition coverage.

It's fascinating, waiting to see how many different ways Sean Spicer finds to distort reality. He repeats that preexisting conditions will be covered in the repeal of Obamacare, and then repeats the Republican lie that a high-risk pool will cover everyone who needs it.

And just because he can't help himself, he adds that Obamacare will collapse "under its own weight." Nothing to do with all the things Republicans are doing to actively undermine it, like refusing to fund the risk channels that stabilize the insurance market.

REPORTER: I want to go back to the promise the president made this week on "Face The Nation" about preexisting conditions. He said there would be a mandate that preexisting conditions would be covered. Was he talking about a bill that's already in there?

SPICER: An amendment ensures that preexisting conditions continue to be covered. Again, obviously, as this bill hopefully passes the House this week or whenever it does and then goes through the Senate and the House, this is an issue that is important to him.

REPORTER: How does he ensure, though, that those people actually are treated affordably? There was an estimate from AARP if you were in the high risk pool, the premiums can be as high as $25,000 for somebody. What is he doing to ensure that doesn't happen?

SPICER: There's two things i think he mentioned in the same interview. Just to be clear, right now under Obamacare, as it collapses on its own weight, people who have preexisting conditions are the most vulnerable. if you have insurance that is no longer able to provide care to those who need it, you have a card without coverage.

What the president is doing is ensuring going forward, as we attempt to repeal and replace it, that preexisting conditions are at the core of that. That is something that he has ensured is in the current bill and will continue to push for it to make sure going out of the Senate, it's there as well.

"A card without coverage." They really are shameless. Imagine if Spicy agreed to be a dunk tank clown to raise money for healthcare coverage. They'd probably make enough to fund single-payer in a week.

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