SNL Cold Open: Lester Holt Discovers 'Nothing Matters' When It Comes To Trump

It sure as hell seems that way folks, doesn't it? Let's see if that will soon change. *fingers crossed

SNL's cold open was a blunt and brutally funny take on the insanity that was this particular week with Donald J. Trump.

Alec Baldwin, as expected, played Donald Trump while Michael Che took on the role of NBC Anchor, Lester Holt. During the interview, he reminded everyone that he 'won the election fair and square.'

Most noteworthy of all the unorthodox lunacy from 1600 Penn was the firing of the head of the agency charged with investigating his possibly traitorous behavior, FBI Director Jim Comey.

So, the most true-to-life aspect of the SNL interview was this particular exchange, which embodies the collective frustration of so many Americans. What prompted his decision to fire Director Comey in the middle of an investigation into nefarious collusion with Russia? His reply, although unexpected, wasn't terribly surprising to those of us watching this sh*tshow!

SNL TRUMP: I fired him because of Russia, I thought, he’s investigating Russia, I don’t like that, I should fire him,

SNL HOLT: And you're just admitting that?


SNL HOLT: But that's obstruction of justice?

SNL HOLT : (talking into his ear piece) So… did I get him? Is this all over?

He obviously expected a different response from the control room.

No, I didn’t? Nothing matters? Absolutely nothing matters anymore?

Then, 'Speaker' Paul Ryan dropped by the office dressed as a 1950's ice cream shopkeeper, in a lapdog fashion, he delivered the seemingly Nixonian "Trump" two scoops of ice cream. Ryan admitted that Trump 'feeds me dog food.'

Baldwin's Trump also admitted to inventing Priming the Pump (the mental image caused an 'Anderson Cooper eyeroll'), letting Kellyanne out of her crypt, and in typically Trump-racist fashion, he called Holt "Jazzman, O.J., Kenan and Tupac." Che's Holt urges Trump to perhaps, care about the optics of his mockery of the office of POTUS. Trump admits that he obviously cares nothing for optics, after all, 'he sits on every chair like it's a toilet.'

Perfect He certainly nails this monstrous troll as he so richly deserves.

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