Al Franken Says Trumpcare Will Kill People, Close Rural Hospitals

"This is worse than mean. It is cruel," Franken said about the Trumpcare bill.

On Morning Joe, Sen. Al Franken was fighting hard against Trumpcare.

"How about the top 400 people in terms of tax cuts here?" he said.

"The amount of money that they'll get in tax cuts will pay -- would pay for Medicaid for 750,000 people. The New England Journal of Medicine just put out a thing, they did a survey of all the research on this. One thousand to 2,000 people will die if you cut 750,000 people from Medicaid," he said.

"That means you are killing -- killing them.

"Basically, people on Medicaid have better health care outcomes. You have access to a doctor. They don't have catastrophic costs. They don't go bankrupt. This works, and it saves lives, and this is the cruel -- this is mean. This is worse than mean. It is cruel.

Franken said he travels around Minnesota and talks "to those Trump voters, and they know it. I do roundtables at rural hospitals and rural nursing homes and clinics. they know it."

The crew all agreed that the people that would be devastated the most by the Trump bill would be rural people, who would lose local hospitals.

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