C&L's Friday Night Drive In: The Trip (1967)
A Lovely Sort of Death
TV commercial director Paul is having a bit of a personality crisis. His friend John, who fancies himself as some sort of guru, suggest trying LSD.
Paul's game to go on a guided trip. Somewhere along the way, he decides John is not the best tour guide. That's where John's excursion gets on a really, really weird and trippy path .
Directed by Roger Corman and written by Jack Nicholson, The Trip stars Peter Fonda, Bruce Dern, Susan Strassberg and Dennis Hopper (who plays the role as the keeper of a freak out pad and dose supplier in an utmost laid back and kinda creepy way.) Electric Flag (guitar player Mike Bloomfield, keyboardist Barry Goldberg and drummer Buddy Miles) supply the swirling soundtrack.
In a lot of ways the film is a psychedelic version of Reefer Madness. Whether that was the intent or not, the film now seems more like a exaggerated camp classic than a believable commentary of what happens when one expands their mind through the wonders of modern chemistry.