Eric Trump: The Head Of The DNC Is A 'Nut Job'

Eric Trump on Sunday accused the head of the Democratic Party of being a "nut job."

Eric Trump on Sunday accused the head of the Democratic Party of being a "nut job."

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo began her friendly softball-question-filled interview with the son of Donald Trump by asserting that president "has not gotten enough credit" for his accomplishments while in office.

"He's been in office 150-something days, and I think he has accomplished more than any president arguably in history has over that same period of time," Eric Trump insisted.

While the younger Trump predicted that his father would accomplish health care and tax reform, he said that Democrats were to blame "for the divide that we have."

"There's not one Democrat that can come forward and say, 'Hey, Obamacare is broken.' Premiums have gone up double, triple, quadruple. Every doctor has opted out of it," Trump continued. "All the major insurance companies, they want nothing to do with it. They have effectively turned their back on Obamacare. It's a defunct system. It's broken. It's bankrupt."

Bartiromo agree that President Barack Obama's health care reform law is "imploding," and wondered how the president could deal with "obstruction" from the Democrats.

"I don't necessarily think the message being spewed by the media -- the mainstream media, most of them -- is really resonating," Trump said. "If you look at the Democratic party -- and I keep saying it -- they're imploding. They've got no leadership. They've got no message."

"If you look at the DNC, the DNC is half defunct," he added. "They've got no money in the bank. They have no operation. You look at the head of the DNC, he is, quite frankly, a nut job. I mean, what is the Democrats' message right now. I mean, what are they running on. All they're doing is obstructing. And it's clearly not working."

"We want to bring back America," Trump concluded.

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