Like Father, Like Son: Donald Trump Jr. Whines About Being With His Kids
Donald Trump Jr. may be an even worse dad than his own father, an accomplishment he should be ashamed of.
Donald Trump is a pretty lousy dad, in my opinion. Three wives, five kids...employs a few, barely sees the other two. Goes weeks, if not more, without seeing his youngest. Not a great role model, unless you think lessons on money laundering, (possibly) colluding with foreign adversaries, committing (most likely) treason and hope to (probably) spend years in prison is the kind of thing fathers should teach. You know, bonding stuff.
Welp, it appears Donald Trump Jr. hasn't fallen far from the rotten, nasty, disgusting tree. Here is his Father's Day tweet from 2012 (seriously):
Yes, this asshole was whining about spending the day with his kids because he wouldn't get any peace and quiet. I bet he considers spending time with his kids "babysitting" and also refused to change diapers or take his kids to the park. You know, just like his dad.
The comments are glorious. The internet never forgets.
Contrast that, if you will, with Barack Obama's Father's Day tweet this year:
Of all that I've done in my life, I'm most proud to be Sasha and Malia's dad. To all those lucky enough to be a dad, Happy Father's Day!
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 18, 2017