Former Fox Anchor Says The Man Trying To Destroy Democracy 'Very Friendly'
If NBC News needed to have a big-name interview with a pathological-lying head of state, they could have had Megyn interview Trump again, and save on travel and translator expenses.
Isn't that special?
He's a murderous, brutal tyrant who has undermined democracy here and abroad, invaded nations, but NBC News' newest hire wants you to know he's just a cuddly widdle guy.
Megyn Kelly seems to be a both a glutton for punishment and an agent of normalization. She has an affinity for interactions with lying tyrants.
Her infamous exchange during the GOP August 2015 debate with Donald Trump brought intense notoriety That exchange only made Trump more palatable to his base, which should have tipped the rest of us off that there was no floor below which Trump could sink and lose support. Hoping that lightning would strike twice, Kelly thought a trip to Russia to interview Vladimir Putin would be a great way to kick off her career at NBC and to keep her right wing audience (who will naturally move with her to NBC?) enthralled by the man they see as an okay guy.
Couldn't she just stay in the US and interview Trump again? The two men are hard to differentiate and the cost savings would be enormous. Nah. This is more flashy.
The ex-Fox News anchor promoted her new NBC Sunday night show on Sunday Today with Willie Geist. She speaks about the upcoming interview with Putin.
KELLY: I experienced a different man on camera and off camera. We did spend a fair amount of time together. At the Presidential Palace the night before, it's a palace in which he stays. And on camera in our one-on-one interview, it was like two different men. Off-camera, in private he, towards me, was warm. He was extremely polite. He inquired after my family. He revealed details about his own family, things that were off the record. He was very personable one-on-one.
Then, on camera, he was the Russian President that we've all come to know. He was combative. He was defiant. He was feisty. He was fiery. He was on offense on most of the issues. He was the Vladimir Putin that Russians love to see. He actually likes to be challenged, and I did challenge him, and it led to a couple of very dynamic, almost explosive exchanges.
In other words, he's as two-faced as his American puppet. And you hardly 'challenged' him, he lies without blinking. He's a former KGB agent; nothing you say will unnerve him.
Every answer Putin gave on camera was suspect. He contradicted himself, much like Trump does. He denied hacking, then called it patriotic. He claims no contact with Trump's team regarding sanctions, but he knows full well we have a ton of real evidence proving the meetings occurred.
Through the voice of a translator, Putin said,
Hackers can be anywhere. They can be in Russia, in Asia, even in America. They can even be hackers, by the way, in the United States. They've very skillfully and professionally shifted the blame on Russia. Can you imagine something like that? In the midst of a political battle. It was convenient for them to release this information, so they released it, citing Russia. Can you imagine something like that? I can.
Both Putin and Donald Trump share another similar characteristic: projection. Accuse others of exactly what you're guilty of, to distract and deflect.
Somehow, when the heat is turned on in the U.S., like the upcoming Comey testimony on Thursday, violent acts seem to occur in a nation with an imminent election. Distract. Deflect. Remember the Paris attacks prior to Macron and Le Pen's showdown?
Who orchestrated Brexit through that abhorrent Nigel Farage? Coincidentally, a firm called Cambridge Analytica which bears the stench of Bannon and billionaire GOP financier, Robert Mercer.
The US billionaire Robert Mercer – a major Trump supporter... was so impressed with Cambridge Analytica that he has reportedly become a major shareholder. Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, used to sit on its board. Perhaps inevitably, given these connections, the Trump campaign ended up paying almost £5m to the company to help it target swing voters. Mercer introduced Farage to Cambridge Analytica, according to Andy Wigmore, communications director of Leave.EU, the Brexit campaign championed by Farage
The parent company of Cambridge Analytica, SCL, has an alarming number of ties to countless Russian-American actors who are complicit in the election of Donald Trump. Coincidence?
Prior to the Brexit vote, the MP who was murdered, Jo Cox, was a staunch opponent of UKIP Party leader Farage's nationalist politics. She feared the division that leaving the EU would cause. Putin is delighted, and even says so in Kelly's interview, that the EU and NATO have been weakened.
One might even think that there are way too many coincidences between the chaos created in the U.S, the UK and Russia for it to be just circumspect. After all, Vladimir Putin is the ultimate agent of chaos. What else does Russia produce besides chaos that isn't extracted from the earth? Vodka? No wonder they're good at it.
The fact that Megyn Kelly is normalizing this horrible man, much like the Republican-owned media tries to normalize Trump, is still unsettling. If you want to see the master of murder, deception, hacking, money laundering, theft, misogyny, anti-LGBT racism, Islamophobia and spying, NBC and Kelly gives him free publicity to trick the rubes who think Russia is our friend.